Bay Vinogradisce is beautiful natural bay with turquise water, situated on the southern side of island Sv. Klement (just from opposite side of island from ACI marina Palmizana). Island Sv. Klement is one of the islands ” Pakleni otoci”, near Hvar.
Vinogradišće bay offers safe shelter during north and north west winds (bura), and it is very well protected.
During jugo (southern wind) it is better to stay in ACI marina and then visit Vinogradisce bay by walk (very close, cca 500m).
From 2016 there is no free anchorage like in past years, and there are arround 45-50 buoys avilable.
There are few top restaurants there as restourant Zori, Totos and Laganini lounge bar and few others, popular amoung many sailors.
Vinogradišće bay is great stop for swimming in chrystal clear sea, exculisve food, and great lounge bar. In the main season during Sundays and on weekends it may be crowded.
From Palmižana you can book taxi boat to Hvar (apx. 10 mins) and enjoy in night life or coffee at Hvar waterfront.